Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Introduction

I felt it was important, before I got to really letting loose and painting this site with the thoughts of my mind, that I set a sort of foundation. By nature I am a very silly person. Love to make friends, converse, laugh, have fun, so forth and so on. That is who I am 80% of the times you will ever see or speak to me. But still that is only one side of me. As you will soon find out dependent upon the situation you can see any one of many different faces.
Some of the things I will write about will likely paint me as a rude, arrogant, abrasive or just down right mean man lol. Please remember that is not who I really am rather that is just a part of me, likely my temperamental and/or impatient side, reacting to the ignorance and utter stupidity of the world and moronic people I am forced to continually encounter on a day to day basis.

With that being said I hope you all enjoy.......

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