Wednesday, December 24, 2008

(The Unified Stupidity of America)

For as long as I have known myself I have known that I have very very....VERY little patience for stupidity. Not just ignorant people but stupid questions in general. And yes THERE IS a such thing as a stupid question. This subject is probably the one thing in my life that can bring me to the point I will refer too as Zero Barrier. Time after time I find myself in situation after situation where I am forced to be subject to the stupid inquiries of one stupid person after another. I have often pondered about how so many of these moronic meatbags get through there day to day lives when they seem to have so little common sense? Sometimes it just astounds me....I'm truly baffled. Truly! It is my belief that everyone should be required to have a certain level of common sense before they are allowed to venture out into the world. Common Sense could be a required college course. Something...please!

Now I understand that I probably sound very mean and insensitive. Alright but you need to stand in my shoes to really understand what I'm talking about. So walk with me for a minute down Stupidity Lane:

-5 days ago: I currently work customer service at Jetblue. Occassionally I get question involving the location of a flight, gate changes, transfers, etc. All sensible questions. But this day I'm standing INSIDE the Jetblue terminal, eatting INSIDE Jetblue's food court why are you coming over to me to ask me "Where is Jetblue"? What!?!?!
You're kidding me right? You arrived AT Jetblue's terminal, CHECKED IN for your Jetblue flight, WENT THROUGH Jetblue's security and now you find yourself standing inside in the center of the building where damn near EVERYTHING around you is BLUE and you are asking for direction to Jetblue. You can't possibly be so stupid can you? GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!

-Lil over a week ago: I am on my way to work. I come out of the Airtrain and begin to walk, on a straight path mind you, towards my terminal to punch in and begin work. This dude rushes up too me asking me where Jetblue is. Alright, its a brand new terminal and the name isn't on front. So I politely point out the new terminal. Mind you its a huge building. A huge building that was DIRECTLY infront of him. The ONLY huge building DIRECTLY in front of him. Yet still this fools asks me "Where at I don't see it?"
I maintained though. I didn't snap, though in my head I insulted his stupidity in atleast 2 languages and 3 dialects. I pointed out on more time and told him, "Right there. The building right in front of you." Dumb-dumb replies "Alright are you going that way? I'll follow you so I don't get lost." *Slow head turn right followed by the stupid stare* So I begin walking, I couldn't bring myself to utter the words "okay" for fear that when my lips parted something else might have vocalized. Mind you, again, between us and the terminal was one straight line path. No lefts or right...just straight. So this dude is following me to the terminal. Most people would probably say that there is no harm in him following me. Hell I was going that way anyhow, but allowing him to do so somehow made me feel as if I was encouraging the stupidity. I felt within me an overwhelming desire to run so that he could no longer follow. I could feel the tension grow in my legs as the prepped themselves to take flight. I didn't but oh my God did I want too.

- Fall 2003: I am working for 42nd Street Port Authority. Its some point in the afternoon not to long before the beginning of rush hour. I found myself standing in the South Wing, main concourse (for any that are familiar with the terminal thats the area with most of the stores). I was standing directly infront of the main escalators when this man walks up to me to ask me "How do I get outside?"
***You already know....ZERO FREAKING BARRIER***
In actuality it took me all of about 2 and a half seconds for his question to register in my head, me to look at him and then proceed to answer. And when I did my response was simple, "Turn around." Yes you read that right, "Turn Around" thats all he had to do was look behind him. But mentally, in that 2.5 seconds of real time, about 2 minutes of thought; straight bewilderment and rude commentary; had taken place. How completely oblivious of everything a-freaking-round you must you be? We are standing less then 200 feet from the exit. Do you not see that big ass glass wall behind you? How does the 4 dozen people exiting and entering not grasp your attention? The loud ass taxis, delivery trucks, commercial vehicles...none of this grasping your attention at all huh? Hell you just came from that direction. Are you serious you complete idiot?
"Turn Around"

-Some time while an undergrad: I use to get my e-pimpin on heavy! Well I was talking on the phone with this one female I met from blackplanet. We had numerous conversations by this point; some plain, some sexual but thats not the point of this story. One night I'm speaking to her but I'm on a limited time frame cuse my chapter had a 3-on-3 Basketball tourny that we had planed. So the convo is beginning to come to a close when I bring up that I have to get going. I tell her what my frat has planned and replies about how thats nice but then proceeds to ask me about it. Well I understand that not all females are into sports so its an honest question. I explain it is a little basketball tournament, which should be obvious by the name but I let that one go. She proceeds to ask me a couple more questions that are dancing around the barrier but I'm still maintaining. Its not till the final question, or maybe it was the final question because after that I was DONE, when she asked me "So how many guys play on a team?"
***The hell with ZERO BARRIER...she just knocked me minus 32 degrees***
"IT'S CALLED A 3 ON 3 TOURNY!" 3 on 3! Common sense please! Whether you follow sports or not it can't be that hard to grasp. Honestly I don't think I have ever in my life lost so much interest in a female quite so fast. Needless to say her number appeared on my phone bill never again after that day. (Prob should clarify that this particular female had a history of saying stupid things. The pursuit of p-u-s-s-y brought me to overlook much of it. But there comes a time when enough is ENOUGH!

Now I could go on and on with example after example. I'm sure I'll be blogging again on this same subject. But for now I shall lay it rest, sit back in my chair and continue to ponder....I am a citizen in the USA (United Stupidity of America)

-The Hunter

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